Please remember to click on the red button on the top right corner to disconnect OO7 client after each use. Otherwise you must disable proxy for Chrome to get onto internet.

  • Click on the red icon in the OO7 client to disable proxy.
    Chrome settings menu Windows
  • Disable proxy for Chrome on Windows

    1. Click on the Chrome Menu in the browser toolbar.
      Chrome settings menu Windows
    2. Select Settings.
      Chrome settings Windows
    3. Click Advanced.
      click Advanced
    4. In the “System” section, click Open proxy settings. This will open the Internet Properties window.
      Open proxy settings Chrome for Windows
    5. Under “Local Area Network (LAN) settings,” click on LAN
    6. Under “Automatic configuration,” uncheck Automatically detect settings. Also make sure Use a proxy server for your LAN is unchecked
    7. Click OK, and OK.

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    Disable proxy for Chrome on Mac

    1. Click on the Chrome Menu on the browser toolbar and select Settings.
      Open Chrome settings Mac
    2. At the bottom of the screen, click Advanced.
      advanced Chrome settings
    3. Under “System,” click Open proxy settings. This will open the Network Settings window.
      advanced Chrome settings
    4. In the “Proxies” tab, under “Select a protocol to configure,” uncheck every protocol.uncheck-all-boxes
    5. Click OK and then Apply. You may then close any other open menus.

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